Il search marketing risulta avere il miglior ROI tra gli strumenti di marketing online e, non a caso, i rilativi investimenti raddoppieranno entro tre anni. Ce lo dicono due analisi appena uscite di cui riporto le segnalazioni di due colleghi:

  • Nereo che riporta l’indagine di Marketing Sherpa secondo la quale SEO prima e PPC subito dopo, sono gli strumenti più performanti per gli investitori online.
  • Marco che evidenzia la rilevanza che riveste il search marketing nell’ultimo report di Forrester. Marco fa bene a ricordare come Forrester in passato aveva decisamente sottostimato le stime riguardanti l’Italia ed ora in effetti sembrano più congrue (483 Mil.$ nel 2010). Parlai con l’analista Forrester che fece quell’analisi (scrissi anche un post), ma non cambiarono le cose; guarda caso il nuovo report è fatto da altri analisti…
    Altri dati sul report di Forrester Research sono evidenziati anche a casa di Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions, in particolare il raddoppio previsto per gli investimenti in pubblicità online in Europa per arrivare a 16 miliardi di Euro nel 2012.


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4 commenti per “Search marketing che cresce e funziona”

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  1. marco scrive:

    Il search marketing, da quando è nato il primo motore di ricerca è stato lo strumento per eccellenza di chi vuole attirare su di sè business. Mi sembra ovvio che sia la fonte di ROI principale. I ppc costano cari e non hanno effetto nel tempo. Una volta finito di pompare denaro, i visitatori tornano a 0. Vi invito a leggere il mio micro saggio qui:

  2. Empedocles scrive:

    I would like to ask your opinion on the importance of generic domain names as part of an SEO strategy and if you believe a generic defensible type in traffic domain name will compliment a brand and reduces the lifetime traffic acquisition and marketing costs ?
    I registered a number of generic domains in 1999 with the intention of waiting for broadband to become almost standard across Europe and to then use the domains as a low cost marketing tool to develop an insurance aggregator for the Italian markets, if I can find the partners.
    It always seem to me to be crazy to pay large fees in keyword advertising when I could own some important keywords
    One thing that I must understand is if the Italian public would respond to the generic terms directly through the search engines and/or as a direct type in.
    The registrations include assicurazioneauto / assicurazionemoto /assicurazionevita / assicurazionecasa / assicurazione/
    Other registered domains include a number of auto related registrations for SEO support sites
    venditaauto / venditeauto / venditamoto / prezziauto / prezzimoto /sportive / autosportiva / motosportive / rivistaauto / rivistamoto / valigeria / pelletterie /
    At this time I have found it very difficult to find any agencies in italy that have referal programs for PPC publishers specificaly for the Italian markets.
    I would be grateful for your comments directly to me or through your blog !!

  3. Mauro Lupi scrive:

    @Empedocles: my opinion is that contents are now more important than single domains, expecially the ones you own, because even if the users search for “vendite auto”, the engines consider the domain “venditeauto” and a different single words.
    Condider also, that the average number of words used on the queries is increasing worldwide and in Italy as well. I estimate more than two words in average.
    My 2 cents :)

  4. Empedocles scrive:

    Thank you Mauro, I appreciate you taking the time out to reply.
    I am trying to be totally objective in my reply but I cannot agree with your comment in SEO terms: Yes content is always King but, the domain name that is the same as the search term does have a significant advantage although this is only one part of the SEO relevance,
    The average number of words used on the queries is increasing worldwide as more countries come online. However the next generation in these new countries will use one, two and three word terms as this is the way search engines and mobile texts will and are changing linguistics in the older cultures.
    It would be interesting to know how your SEO chaps at see things ?
    For my part all around the world companies pay a high price in advertising costs for keywords, I will in the short term try to find an agency in Italy that have referral programs for PPC publishers.
    Hope we get other viewpoints on your excellent blog
    : )

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